"Hear ye citizens of the hollows! The up worlders have been encroaching upon our fair town. They have shook our very heavens with their ordinance.
We shall shake their very bones with our reply.
They have driven our kin from their shores.
We shall drive our steel through their hearts!
They come to pillage our heap.
We shall purge them with flame.
They have taken our homes.
They will never take our freedom.
Together we are strong.
United we shall prevail.
We shall bare arms against them.
Our time has come to claim our birth right.
The spider man will have them for dinner tonight.
All should make haste to prosper by this opportunity.
Come one, come all.
They shall rue the day they invaded our sanctuary.
So it has been writ.
It's about to be writ again.
For the corsemen cometh.
So mote it be!