Friday, 3 July 2015

Slaanesh Fury - The colour of Chaos

I've managed to get 20 Furies of Slaanesh built in double quick time (well, double quick for me). The plastic Gargoyles and Daemonettes are a real pleasure to work with, they go together so easy, giving me a very light and durable model despite their fragile appearance. They'll need to be durable because moving 20 around means they're getting to be handled pretty roughly when I use them.
After a bit of musing over a colour scheme, I decided against a muted bestial look and opted for a more retro Slaves to Darkness colour scheme. I managed to knock this out in a couple of hours and whilst it could do with a few more highlights on the wings it gives a good idea of how they will look.
The only thing I'm unsure about is her hair. I can't decide whether to leave it white, colour it purple or go for a turquoise/blue. Any thoughts are more than welcome.

Until next time......may Our Lady grant you her number ;-)


  1. I think that the white is too pale Brother and I think blue will fade in with the wings a bit but to be fair you knew I would go for purple without asking the question :)

    1. Yeah, it does look too pale. I've been painting it when I finish work, so the light has been fading which has added much more contrast than the photo shows. I might have to paint up a couple more and try the different colours to see how they look.

    2. Looking good! Why not try black for the hair pal.

    3. Cheers Dyl. Not keen on the idea of black hair.

  2. I'd go for a contrasting color on the hair. You could always go for the blue color, and if you don't like it, add some purple glazes to bring it closer in line with the rest of the tones.

    1. I have a couple of free hours today so I'll paint up a couple more with different hair colours and post them up tonight. I'll try a purple, a blue and a jade green that will match their eyes.

    2. So after trying out a few different shades, I've settled on good old purple. Now it's time to see how quickly I can paint them up ;-)

  3. Off topic! Have you seen the rules for the new forge world chaos knights pal? I'm deffo getting both to make my hell knight style knight.;-)

    1. Yeah they look's about time GW threw us a bone ;-)
