The Cawdor and Orlock gangs had scoured the area looking for their respective leaders with little to no sign of them.
Both gangs had heard the Escher and Goliaths bragging about the dust up from the Parley between all of the gangs' leaders. Rumour had it that all of the leaders had given as good as they'd got but the Cawdor and Orlock leaders had failed to return.
The two gangs had put aside their differences to search the surrounding area where the gang moot had taken place. Each ganger paired off with their opposite number to ensure that no accident befell anybody should the leaders be found.
It was Ludwig the Fierce who discovered the blood trail.
"Leave it to a Cawdor to find something in the dirt" mumbled Ironhide.
The Cawdor Deacon rose to his feet activating his Chainaxe at the barb.
Ironhide reached for his hammer ready to meet the Cawdor head on when both were bathed in light.
Both turned their attention to the recently discovered ruin named Darkmaw. Light flooded from its mouth beckoning them to investigate.
Both reluctantly put their weapons away and followed the light to its source.
"Know what the problem is with you Redemptionists?" Said the Orlock Arms Master.
"I'm sure you're about to tell me." Replied the Cawdor.
"No sense of humour."
His laughter echoing down the tunnel.