Saturday 15 May 2021

Deleted Post.


Greetings Hivers!

My last post titled 'Necromunda Rises' has been deleted by the Google Blogger Team. Unfortunately there appears to be no way to contact them to find out what the exact problem was, so I thought I would share the contents of the email that I received in the hopes of discovering what I've done wrong and hopefully one of you fine readers can enlighten me.

Here is the e-mail I received from the Google Blogger Team:

"As you may know, our community guidelines describe the boundaries for what we allow - and don't allow - on Blogger. Your post entitled 'Necromunda Rising' was flagged for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post.
Why was you blog post deleted?
Your content has violated our malware and viruses policy.
We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make sure that they are in line with our standards as additional violation could result in the termination of your blog."

From what I can garner from this is that the post contained a Virus or Malware. I'm not sure how this could have occurred because the post contained no external links and the comment section was spam free. 

It would also appear that the original post was 'flagged'. Now I don't know if this is by some arcane algorithm or if it was by a reader that had a problem from the post.

So I'm asking you wonderful people if the original post caused any of you problems? This is so I can attempt to fix any issue with the site.

Hopefully this is a one off thing but in case it isn't - and my Blog gets deleted😱 - Thank you for sharing the journey with me and your comments have really spurred me on when life has been a git 😉

 May the Hive Spirits watch over you 😉


  1. Lord Adiatun Varunn15 May 2021 at 01:31

    I don't know what to tell you, I'm a dinosaur from a technology point of view ... I'm sorry to see you in this situation. I can claim that I have never had any reports of viruses or malware regarding your blog, regardless of the device used to view it. I hope it proves to be a "soap bubble" and that you have no other difficulties.

  2. I'm no Tech-Servant either Marco.
    I've had a word with some techie types on a bloggers facebook page and they reckon that it might have fallen foul of some algorithm picking up on the word 'rising'. Apparently it's a 'hot' word at the moment.

  3. And it's back. Google have reviewed it and reinstated the post.
    This puts my mind at ease because a lot of work can go into some of my posts and the last thing I wanted was to spend several hours writing a post only for it to be deleted.

    1. Glad you got it back. Stuff like that was one of the reasons I moved away from Blogspot. I don't comment much but I do enjoy looking through your work.

    2. Thanks Rory, I'm glad people still enjoy my content...hopefully the posts wll pick up again now that lockdown is coming to an end.

  4. Google's bots are getting more aggressive in flagging posts for deletion or warnings. My blog got dinged because blogs on its blog list had been dinged, so it looked like I was linking to lots of dangerous sites.

    This mostly stems from the bot spammers if you have open comments who spam malware links. Every week I'm using my "dispute" function from my Virus Software subscription to get other hobby blogs reviewed by a human so linking to them doesn't tank my blog.

    Of course, it's Google hassling us rather than doing something about the spammers. That would require some actual work.

    1. Blimey, I didn't know they were so zealous.
      I was going to delete this post now that they have reinstated the post but I think I'll leave it up for any other Bloggers to read, just in case - like me - it has never happened to them before.

  5. Wow, what a story to tell! I honestly can't imagine what happened, but the good news is that the post is back. I'm heading to it right now.
    Apparently the Machine Spirit was uneasy with your blog. Try some incense and ritual prayers, it should work.

    1. Our (renegade) Mech are purging the system of all scrape code as we speak ;-)

  6. Hi Gary,
    glad your post has been reinstated. Have you invested in any of the new Escher Weapons & Upgrades sets yet? It's good to see GW continuing to support Munda.

    1. Cheers pal.
      I already have the FW resin upgrade weapon set so I don't need them.
      It is good that GW feels that it is a worthwhile game to invest in.

      I still think the way they are going about it is a little dubious though. From what I can gather the new starter box only contains the rules to play the basic game and the hardback rulebook is still required for the Dominion campaign rules.
      It wouldn't take a great deal of effort (or paper) to include these rules and Necromunda becomes so much more when these rules are used. I think GW are selling the game short by not including them in the starter box.

    2. TBH I had to check the book myself on getting the new boxset, and having done so I'm of the opinion that it isn't actually a starter set but more of a campaign boxset with an expectation players would need the full rule book if wanting to fully immerse in the game.
      Clearly a calculated decision to generate more income, which unfortunately over the last 2 years seems to show GW returning to the days of old in stealth price increases on top of annual price increases. This is in addition to manipulating the market by constantly under producing their products massively despite their being clear demand, (the latest Necromunda transfer sheet sold out less than a week after release) and taking products such as the 5 model orgyn worker gang out of production. I'm still baffled at a business model that appears to want to intentionally alienate it's customer base by failing to fullfill their consumer needs.

    3. I'm pretty sure that GW under producing products has more to do with the effects of a global pandemic and the disaster that Brexit is proving to be rather than an intentional manipulation of the market by GW...but hey what do I know about such things?
      GW has been incredibly expensive since the beginning of the 90's so it should come as no surprise to anyone that we pay through the nose for their products and I've reached that age where I can usually* resist impulse buys these days.

      I do think that GW is hurting Necromunda by not including the full rules in what they are advertising as a starter set and the Necromunda rule sets released since 2017 has come across as either amateurish or as an intentional ploy to gouge as much money as possible out of Necromunda players.

      *A bold claim from someone who has bought every Necromunda rule book, every gang, tactic card set and more FW resin characters than is good for me :D

  7. Same here (in France) : it appears that two of my articles were deleted fot breaching the blogspot etiquette... Before coming back (but I still can't see them ^^')...

    Very strange indeed...


    1. LOL! It's not just me then.
      My post was put back into the Drafts section.

    2. Yeah !! That's right !! Thank you for the tip I could re-publish my articles ^^

