Saturday 18 June 2016

Facing the Grey Horde

Greetings sinners!
Work is progressing on my Grande Cavalcade, the Harbingers of Joyous Degradation, although at the moment they feel more like the Harbingers of Eternal Tedium......

......It was all going so well until I ran out of white paint, since then I've been struggling to focus on them.
While waiting for the paint to arrive, I've managed to get everything built and most of the models are now undercoated.
Initially, I gave myself a month to get these painted. This was because The Champions of Chaos event was in a months time and I had every intention of throwing a sickie from work and crushing all of those old pretenders who had the temerity to question my divine right as Champion of Chaos! Unfortunately the event has been postponed, but at least it gives me an extra month to get these finished before my next planned event. This, coupled with work has meant I've done very little this week.....but I have done some painting....

The Harvesters of Torment

The Harvesters of Sorrow

The Harvesters of Pain

I've thought long and hard about how I'm going to transport these to events, the models are very flimsy and with the Daemonette on the dais they are 4" in height. To overcome this I've magnetised the girls at the back. This reduces their height to 3", making them more durable and easier to transport.

As you can see from the picture above, 6 take up quite a bit of room, so 10 will be a challenge to transport. I've had a look around for foam suppliers and I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and order some from Battlefoam. Battlefoam do a pick n pluck foam 3" sheet that will fit the GW Crusade case. I've worked out that two of these will hold 12 Chariots comfortably, it will probably cost me around £50 (why is foam so expensive?) but I think it's the only way I can be sure of them being in one piece when I get to an event. If anybody knows another supplier of foam, I'd appreciate a heads up.
As if transporting these wasn't enough to think about, GW released some new scenic bases and on one of these new bases was a Seeker of Slaanesh.

That is one big base for a Seeker!
I'm of the firm opinion that larger bases have more advantages than disadvantages (just look at how much more effective Flesh Hounds are on their 50mm bases than their older bases). These bases are 75 x 46mm compared to the cavalry base that is 70 x 25mm, so they're considerably bigger. When I first saw these I thought they were too big, but now that I've got used to them, I'm thinking that they'll protect the model much better when they're being transported and they do look rather nice. Everything seems to be getting larger bases, so it seems daft not to use these, especially as I haven't based mine yet.
I'd been interested to hear people's thoughts on these?

So that's where I'm at for now. Rob is luxuriating around a pool in Greece at the moment, so we haven't played recently, hopefully we'll get together for a game in a couple of weeks, but until then it's back to the grind, painting these chariots.....until next time, may Our Lady grant you her number!


  1. Looking very nice Gaz. I'm still not a fan of the chariots don't like the combine harvester blades at the back of them. You have done a good job though like the different shades between each unit. Can the new bases be used for bikes?

  2. Just looked on GW site you can use them for bikes. The new bases look really nice and will go well with my board and scenery.

    1. Bikers will look great on these bases Dyl, the bikes just fit on a cavalry base and I've always thought they looked too small. I might be rebasing my bikers as well.....yet again ;-)

    2. I'll be rebasing all my flawless models there cheep and will look great with all my scenery.

    3. A full army on those bases will look ace Dyl.

  3. One of those chariots seems like a chore to paint, and you did six? Crazy, crazy man. They look great, and I know they can be damn effective, but six...

    The larger bases are great. It was insane putting my Hounds on the 50mm, it felt dirty at the time, but it was well worth it. GW has always been pretty loose on the base rules, 7th is no exception, and lately - as you said, it just keeps going up in size. Embrace it, and go for it I say. Hell, I still have to get Marines on 32mm. Rebasing is low on my priority scale.

    1. Cheers Thor....6 down 4 more to go!
      I was feeling exactly the same about the base sizes, but after realising just how many models have increased their bases I'm thinking why the hell not? 😉

  4. I'd be worried about how fragile they are, still good luck with them. Looking really nice so far.

    1. Cheers Rory.
      They are pretty fragile, but magnetising the girls at the back makes them a lot more durable. I'll definitely have to get some foam to transport them though.

  5. Lord Adiatun Varunn20 June 2016 at 01:49

    Good job as alwais! The bases of the Chariots are really very nice! I'm trying the list of wash/glaze that you have shown me, but I don't have your skill :-)
    About rebasing... I feel like the ancient Romans on chivalry: "a good thing, but not for me" ... maybe if the next models of Chaos are on 32mm.
    The gods bless you at The Champions of Chaos :-)

    1. Thanks buddy.
      The chariot bases still need painting properly. They're base coated but I'm waiting until all 10 are at the same standard and then I'll finish them off altogether.

    2. Lord Adiatun Varunn21 June 2016 at 09:42

      My apologies ... nice work as always, not alwais...I killed the English language with my clumsiness!

    3. LOL, I make plenty of typing mistakes as well, I knew what you meant ;-)

  6. Oh my god. I can't believe you are doing so many of these. All the props to you sir!

    1. It's all about showing my excessive devotion to Our Lady :D
