Sunday, 17 February 2019

Squaduary 2019 Progress - The Marionettes

Greetings Sinners!
My pledge for Rory's Squaduary Challenge over at Stepping Between Games hasn't been going too well and to say I'm behind schedule is a bit of an understatement. Fortunately, I've managed to get in a couple of days to start the build on my Renegade Mechanicum Venator Warband for Necromunda

I'm really enjoying playing around with GW's plastics, they're so much easier than the old metal models and it's great to let my imagination run wild with them knowing that the Necromunda rules will allow me to use them in games.
I still need to build another hunter with an Autogun and they need cleaning up a bit, but here's what I have so far....

Hunter (Wraith Class) with Autogun.

Hunter (Wraith Class) with Fletchette Pistol and Shock Stave.

 Hunter (Stalker Class) with Long Rifle

Hunter (Wraith Class) with Fletchette Pistol and Shock Stave.

Hunt Champion (Stalker Class) with Hand Flamer, Shock Stave and Power Axe.

Hunt Champion (Skitter Class) with Plasma Gun and Auto Pistol

So plenty still to do, but the Dark Mechanicum are well under way and it shouldn't be too long before the 'Marionettes' make their presence known down in Cruelwater 😈

Until next time....may Our Lady grant you her number πŸ˜‰


  1. All progress is good progress, keep it up chief.

    1. Cheers Buddy. Once I've finished tarting them up a bit I'm hoping the colour will go on quickly ;-)

  2. As Rory says, every bit you get done is a step closer to completion and you've made some great characters here! So full of details and character. Great stuff, whack an undercoat on these and you'll be nearly there! Keep going mate!

    1. Cheers buddy.
      I always knew that it would be the build that took up most of the time so I'm hopeful that I will get somewhere close to finishing these.

  3. The conversions on these is great. They have so much character.

    1. Thanks Thor.
      I've been wanting to do some conversions like this for ages but never had 'use' for them. Thanks to Necromunda, they now have a reason for being as it were.

  4. Damn, those are beautiful! Some weeks ago I was talking precisely about combining Mechanicus and the new ghosts bits. I see there's potential there! Lovely work!

    1. Thanks Suber.
      There's some great stuff for AoS (I love the Kharadron models and previously I've always disliked Dwarves) and fortunately a lot of it fits really well with eclectic look of Necromunda. The Grimghast Reapers and other models from the Nighthaunt range feel very appropriate for the Dark Mechanicum or Renegade Mechanicus so I think everyone who has thought about building them has looked at the Nighthaunt range πŸ˜‰

  5. Damn, dude, those look fantastic! drop...all...current projects...and make...Dark Mechanicum gang! ;)

  6. Lord Adiatun Varunn17 February 2019 at 23:00

    Excellent development! Adequately disturbing and sinister already now, who knows how they will be more once they are unleashed in the Underhive ...😊

    1. Disturbing is normal in the Underhive, so I'm sure they'll fit right in πŸ˜‰

  7. Just awsome dude! Realy evocative cantata wait to see them emerge from cruel water. It will almost be a shame to have to dismantle them down hive!!

    1. We can't even deal with their leader on his own so Slaanesh alone knows how we'll do against them! πŸ˜‰

  8. Those are some wonderful unique characters. Well done Sir.

    1. Cheers chap!....and thank you for commenting, it's much appreciated.
