Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Rise of the Regulators - Intelligence Gathering


WR-41-TH slid the Pict-Still across the table in front of the Tech-Monkey. 
After several minutes of scrutinising the map he nodded in a sagely manner.
"Yeah, that's the place" he declared, evidently proud of himself that he recognised it.

WR-41-TH let out a short squeal of binary code and glared at him.
"We know that's the place!" Said the Ad-Mech Specialist as he struggled to regain his composure. "What we want to know is where did you fit the communication network nodes so that we can hack them and listen in."
"Oh right, why didn't ya say say so?"
WR-41-TH continued to glare at him by way of reply.
"Here...Here...Here...err...Here...And Here" he said stabbing at the Pict-Still with his grubby finger.
"You're sure?" Inquired WR-41-TH looking at the dirty smudges smeared over the Pict-Still.
"Sure as my name's Greasy Joe" he replied with a grin.