Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Rise of the Regulators - Sanctuary (Part II)

A shudder ran down Brigitte's spine as the blood curdling shriek assaulted her ears once more.
'I know that sound' she thought as she looked at the grimacing faces around her. 'I hoped never to hear that vile noise again. Perhaps we should find another place from the prying eyes of the Enforcers?'
"What now?" Inquired Ludwig
The Cawdor Redemptionist was interrupted by a more immediate concern as another mutant threatened the Regulators. Howling Mad Mave reacted with impressive speed as she plunged her Chainsword through the mutant's chest, showering the area in gore. 
"We press forward" Replied Brigitte.

Friday 12 July 2024

Rise of the Regulators - Sanctuary (Part I)

"Shush!" whispered Old Jeb as the Goliath Bully banged on the door. 

"We've been walking for hours in this stinking hole and this is the first door that we've come across" replied Grimy. 

"The door is barred from the other side. If you break it down you risk bringing the whole hive down on us....or worse."

The old prospector stopped before an arch panelled wall and deftly ran his hand along the crumbling and rotten plaster. "Now, just where are you hiding" he mumbled to himself.

'The old prospector's drunk one too many bottles of Second Best' thought Brigitte. 

There was an audible CLICK.

And nothing happened.

'That's it then, we go no further' thought the Escher leader. Then an answering echo came from deep within.
Brigitte felt her face twitch in sympathy with the sound. 'Did I imagine it?'
Again 'No mistake.' And now, before her disbelieving eyes, the wall begin to sink into the ground.
Floor tiles slid across to cover the walls retreat. 'It was if the wall had never been there.'
"Now that" said WR-41-TH softly "is craftmanship."

No fetid wind spilled out, no stench of rot or decay, no sign of long years passed, only a waft of cool, dry air. 'And yet the feeling is of opening a coffin.' thought Brigitte as they stepped into the gloom.

Thursday 11 July 2024

WR-41-TH and Howling Mad Mave of the Regulators

 Greetings Hivers!
I've finally finished painting up WR-41-TH for our 'Rise of the Regulators' campaign.

He's a little rough 'n' ready...

...but there are too many projects and not enough time 😉

Hopefully he'll survive long enough to be able to afford his Plasma Gun!

I've also added a bit of detail to Howling Mad Mave, who's proving to be a great asset to the Regulators with her rapid movement and trusty Chainsword.

That's it for now. I'm busy typing our latest instalment of our Rise of the Regulators adventure which will be a two-part report simply because Zone Mortalis bat reps are a bit of a bugger to type out and make sense of. Hopefully that will be posted tomorrow.

Until next time....May the Hive Spirits watch over you 😉