Sunday 12 March 2017

More Scorpions.

Hi all,

At the risk of being a bit of a show off I'm going to show a few more of my Scorps collection before I move on to write about some other stuff. It's just going to be few random bits so here goes.

When the current marine codex hit the shelves I was instantly drawn to the formations. Formations were a new thing back then and even though there are dozens more now, for all factions, I think the marine options are still pretty cool and effective. My particular favourites are;

The Librarius Conclave.

In today's somewhat psychic heavy environment the conclave is an amazing way of getting more psychic offence/defence in your army. They don't have to be gathered together if you don't want them to in order to spread the powers around but the ability to manifest powers on a 2+ means your dice pool goes much further.

I'm also a big fan of fliers and in my opinion the Stormwing is quite awesome. OK, you're at the vagaries of dice for when they arrive but when the do they all arrive together, bringing some heavy firepower to the table.

Stormraven Nemesis. The unmodified GW kit is a truly awful model. Fortunately the now defunct Chapterhouse produced a conversion kit that elevated it to a remarkable looking model. I always thought a servitor crewed turret was entirely the wrong choice for the upper weapons system so with a bit of filing, in went a Forge World razorback turret which fits the more hi-tech marine aesthetic for me.

The main man in most of my force selections, Severin Loth. I feel justified in taking him as I have an actual Red Scorpions collection rather than fitting him in with 2 minimum scout squads because of his abilities. Choosing powers rather than rolling randomly means you're guaranteed that most desirable of powers, invisibility. The fact that his powers must all come from the same discipline isn't so bad when you consider psychic shriek is the telepathy primaris, or that you can turn him into a pretty decent combat character with biomancy. A 2+ invulnerable is just icing on the cake.

Being a FW chapter, Loth is one of FWs characters. As such, when first introduced he was allowed his own honour guard squad, being the Scorps Chief Librarian. FW released a conversion kit consisting of heads, weapons and torsos but no legs. At the time there was no kit with sufficiently ornate legs befitting honour guard but then along came the new Sternguard kit. 5 men with relic blades and a chapter banner is 200 points on the nose. Led by chaplain Tedan and assaulting out of Nemesis they pretty much annihilate anything 3+ armour or worse. I like 'em.

I hope you like my modest selection. Next time we'll talk about something different.


  1. Keep showing off Iain, we don't mind......After all, Our Lady loves to stroke the ego of the thinblood's and whisper sweet temptations to them ;-)
    I haven't seen the Conclave before, my what big swords you have!
    Your Storm Raven looks so much better than GW's stock effort, very nice and thanks for sharing.

  2. Not compensating for anything at all. One Grey Knight box gives you all the power weapons you will ever need, plus the back half of the torsos are made with psychic hoods so all good. I must admit I don't use the conclave regularly but now and again I feel the need.

  3. Lord Adiatun Varunn13 March 2017 at 11:54

    I can only repeat what was said in the previous occasion: really beautiful miniatures and great work of painting! Unfortunately my English is poor and does not allow me to not be repetitive, sorry :-(
    However, with this in mind, I cannot wait to see your "chaotic's" side!

  4. Thanks. The Scorps are my primary collection and as such I must admit I lavish more time and attention on them when building and painting new units. Whilst they are of a decent tabletop standard my Khorne collection isn't of the same quality, in my opinion. We'll see next time.
