Friday 22 April 2016

Tosis descent.

In the void of chaos there lies endless opportunity and variety along side eternal damnation. to this end it is ordained the use of some.....less usual protagonists be appointed. Diversity and stagnation coexist in strange embrace, man and daemon become one a balance is struck and a whole world trembles!
Gentle creatures, children, pretties... let papa Nurgle show you how man and daemon can live together in harmony.

The final scene approaches and Tosis must leave behind tracked vehicles bikes and such to prowl the subterranean labyrinth of bunker 12 in order to locate his scion! With the removal of these engines of destruction a void must be filled. Not just with cut and paste units, that wouldn't do to appease the gods (or make for a very interesting battle) so here are my unit of Nurgle possessed they will be making an appearance in the near future.
 Built using the Forgeworld torsos and pads along with the plastic possessed box and mounted on Micro arts studio bases.
 The great variety to the possessed box allows for very different looking models.
 Though it can be challenging to make them appear natural.
 Some are more successful than others.
Game wise they rely on getting the right roll on the vassals of chaos table at the right time.
But if the grandfather does deign to turn his favour upon me Festus fate may not be so dark!


  1. They look pretty sharp for sure. I like how you went with white armour.

  2. Second the white armour looks better. Nice looking unit!
    just a thought why not do the gold bits metal? I was planning on doing a khorne armie after ive finished my slaanesh armie but thinking doing nurgle after seeing your armie. Keep up the good work pal;-)

  3. Thanks guys, the clean white helps them stand out from the plague marines, the brass is a standard colour running through the army. To be honest every time I paint white it comes out different as I use washes to 'dirty' it up a bit so I at least try to do a unit at a time.

    1. Stepping back from them I can see what you mean though Dylan it's a very rich colour. Going forward I'll be using a less is more approach.

  4. Gold with green looks sound but white and gold doesn't look right just my thought's. I think gold is hard to get right most of the time anyway. The squad looks ace one of the best Nurgle possessed squads ive seen out there. Did you do white or black undercoat? I really like the white armour more i look at it more idea's start rolling about my head.;-)

    1. Started out with dark grey from pound land. Tend to use them as its a smoother finish and I go through a lot. Then layer upon layer of thinned white. This was before the new paints came out I've started using praxeti and then thinned ceramite now (as used on the raptor)

  5. Lord Adiatun Varunn23 April 2016 at 09:35

    Great job as always!Not a big fan of the GW's possessed but your mix makes them very interesting...very, very the Death Guard!My compliments!!

  6. Thanks. I'm hoping for new plastics of the plague marines, but looking at the betrayal at calth with forgeworld upgrades for death guard bundles is a bit tempting they have that same iconic feel to them.

  7. Replies
    1. Only a true diciple of Nurgle can see the beauty in the macabre :-)
