Sunday 9 June 2024

The Rise of the Regulators - Fugitives.

Six cycles! Six exhausting cycles of relentless pursuit by the Enforcers, fleeing from one encounter after another.
Word had reached them that the authorities had already shaken down the Marionettes and the Iron Hounds in their search for the fugitives but with all contact cut from their respective gangs, the Regulators had managed to keep one step ahead...until now.
Five Enforcers blocked their path with more closing in.
Brigitte mulled over their diminishing options. Their charges were out on their feet and needed rest. Even the Regulators were showing signs of fatigue and nerves were starting to fray. They needed a win. Something to galvanise them and slow the Enforcers in their dogged pursuit.
"Get them on their feet." She ordered.
"And go where?" Snapped Grimy. 
All eyes turned towards the gang Queen.
"We're done running," she continued. "It's time we showed these Enforcers who's really in charge, we go through them."

Sunday 2 June 2024

The Rise of the Regulators


Greetings Hivers!

With the scene set for our latest adventure in the Underhive, I thought I would share how we set about creating our Regulators and how they will work in our Underhive escapades.