Sunday, 26 January 2025

Necromunda Backdrop 2.0 WIP (Part II)

Greetings Hivers!
Over the last month or so work has continued on my Backdrop/vertical gaming board. 
The basic structure is almost complete and I can start adding more detail to make it look a little more lived in....

I've had half of a 40k Landing Pad sitting in one of my bits boxes for a few years with the intension of building an Ashe Wastes Gate. This project gave me the perfect excuse to make it happen and clear out some plastic I have laying around (along with an old 40k Bastion).  
I've run out of stairs and the whole idea of this project is to use the parts that I've accumulated over the years, so I added the Zone Mortalis Lift (or Elevator for you Septics out there 😉) instead of buying more guff.
Every self-respecting Underhive has to have a tunnel entrance and I cobbled one up from various parts that I had lying around. I'm dead chuffed how this turned out and I plan to add some gunk oozing from it and some spider webs (if I can discover a way to create them without using an airbrush). 

The other side hasn't had too much work.

I've added some railings/barriers (Health and Safety and all that)...

...but I don't want to add too many because accessibility when playing is a major factor over aesthetics. It's a fine balance and one that is easily overlooked when creating terrain.

Overall I'm happy with the way things are progressing, although I keep getting distract by other projects...

Until next time...May the Hive Spirits watch over you! 😉


  1. I've just gasped in front of my screen. Man, what a build! I'm speechless, congrats!

  2. The previous comment was mine! Damn Blogger...

  3. Gracias Suber, it's proving to be quite a time consuming project 😉
