Sunday 2 June 2024

The Rise of the Regulators


Greetings Hivers!

With the scene set for our latest adventure in the Underhive, I thought I would share how we set about creating our Regulators and how they will work in our Underhive escapades.

It's no secret that Rob and I lean more towards the RPG style of the hobby rather than the competitive sports style that dominates the current 40k scene and Necromunda gives us that in spades. Each campaign season allows us to explore a different aspect of the 'Munda sandbox and to discard overly complex rules or introduce more complexity as we see fit.

Our latest campaign will see 6 Regulators delve into the bowels of the troubled spire of Rockridge to uncover the nefarious goings-on perpetrated by the 'Authorities'. 

The initial idea behind this was blatantly plagiarised from JD in the Sump Sea with a few tweaks thrown in to fit in with our particular narrative. This YouTube channel is a great source for terrain and these guys have some wonderful terrain and are what Necromunda is all about.

The Regulators

Each Regulator may be chosen from one of the many Necromunda gang lists available in the game. 

Once a gang list is chosen, each Regulator rolls a D6 to discover what level of ganger is seconded to the cause. The original list had a Leader but we removed the leader and added a Ganger Wyrd because we discovered who would be the leader in our previous game.

D6 Roll

  1. Juve (Little Sister, Bully, Zealot, ETC.)
  2. Prospect (Wrecker, Wyld Runner, Psy-Gheist, ETC.)
  3. Ganger 
  4. Ganger Specialist
  5. Ganger Wyrd (any ganger with an additional Wyrd Power taken from the Book of the Outcast)
  6. Champion (any champion character. E.G. a Delaque Phantom or a Delaque Nacht-Ghul)
Starting Buffs:

Each Regulator will start with 1 additional point to their Stat Line that they may use to adjust any characteristic. Note that no Stat can be adjusted more than twice at any point in the campaign.

Each Regulator starts with 1 Primary skill from their House gang's Primary skill set.

Starting Credits:

Each Regulator Starts with 100 credits and may use those on Wargear, equipment and pets from their gang's house list.


Each Regulator will maintain its own Crew under the umbrella of the main gang. Your crew will comprise of Hangers-On and/or Brutes.


Experience will be gained like normal in Necromunda but there will also be experience awarded for other objectives, narrative play or just doing something cool.


Reputation will be handled slightly differently as the Regulators are not a true gang per se but a bunch of individuals seconded by their respective House to investigate the mysterious goings on in Rockridge. Because of this, Reputation will not go to the gang but to each individual Regulator. 

Reputation will have an effect on hiring Hangers-On and purchasing items from the Trading Post.


Hiring a Hanger-On depends on the number of Credits and your Reputation.

After 5 Reputation you may hire 1 Hanger-On. After 10 Reputation you may hire a 2nd Hanger-On or one Brute. At 15 Reputation you may hire another Hanger-On and at 20 Reputation you can a 4th Hanger-On or a 2nd Brute. You may only have 4 Hangers-On or 2 Brutes per Crew. A Brute takes up 2 of your limit of 4 Hangers-On.


Credits will be earned by multiple ways throughout the campaign. You will earn them through completing tasks, looting crates or looting corpses. Credits paid out from completing tasks will be divided up amongst the gang by the Leader.

Looting a Corpse

Looting a corpse is a Simple Action. You may only Loot a corpse once. Loot will be on the following D6 table.

  1. Nothing.
  2. D3 x 5 Credits.
  3. D3 x 5 +2 Credits.
  4. A piece of Equipment Or D6 x 5 Credits.
  5. A piece of Equipment And D6 x 5 Credits.
  6. Any Item/Weapon from their card Or D6 x 10 Credits.
Trading Post:

The Trading Post will be run from the main Trading Post in the Rulebook. Your Reputation will also come into play here. A Rep of 0 will mean that you have a level high enough to buy Common Items or a base level of Rarity 5. For every level of Rep you gain you will be able to add 1 to that level (E.G. a Rep 1 will mean you have a Rarity of 6, a Rep 10 means you have a Rarity of 16).

Each Regulator may purchase items from their respective House List.

Capturing Fighters

Fighters can still be captured from the Injury Chart.

Fighters you capture can have multiple things done to them. A Chaos Follower Crew can use them for their Ritual. They can be sold to Slavers for profit. They can be dumped into the Fighting pits to make some Creds or even patched up and inducted into your Crew.

We rolled up for our Regulators and here are our results.

Escher Leader (Gang Queen) - Mamman Brigitte of the Voodoo Dolls.

Brigitte spent all of her 100 credits on a Bolt Gun, Stiletto Sword and Mesh armour. As soon as she gains some credits she'll be buying an Auto-Pistol. I increased her Ballistic Skill by one so her Bolter should give reliable support. Because she successfully rescued a Prisoner from the last game she gained an additional Stat increase so I improved her toughness to 4.

Goliath Juve (Bully) - Grimy of the Clean-Up Crew.

Grimy spent 95 of his 100 Creds. Vat born gene-smithed with Dermal Hardening increased his toughness to 5. His Stub Gun is loaded with Dum-Dums and his Brute Clever is sure to do some damage when he activates his Stim-Slugs. His Furnace Plates cover an Armoured Undersuit to complete his role as a tank! In the last game the Clean-Up Crew rescued a Prisoner so Grimy has an additional Stat increase which improved his Weapon Skill to 3+ and gave him an additional wound.

Orlock Prospect (Wrecker) - 'Howling Mad' Mave of the Iron Hounds.

'Howling-Mad' Mave is our Out-Rider. She's fast but relatively fragile. She only spent 75 of her 100 Credits and at the earliest opportunity she'll be recruiting a Rogue Doc into her crew to deal with the injuries she's sure to receive throughout this Campaign. She's armed with a Sawn-Off Shotgun for when she really needs to hit something at short range. Her main armament though is her Chainsword and Auto-Pistol to give her some bite in combat especially with her Stat increase to her Weapon Skill. Her Hazard Suit and Respirator is sure to come in handy when facing the Enforcers and their penchant for Choke Grenades. 

Cawdor Champion (Redemptionist Preacher) - Ludwig of the Brotherhood of the Cleansing Flame.

Ludwig's starting role will be as a support character but with only a Grenade Launcher for range and with no easy reroll Smoke Grenades, I suspect he'll be getting stuck in more than he expects to....which is probably why he has increased his Toughness to 4. Ludwig spent 95 of his 100 Creds on his Grenade Launcher and a Chain Axe, I'm surprised he doesn't have a back up Stub Gun for 5 Creds but maybe Rob has a cunning plan for him later on.

Delaque Prospect (Psy-Gheist) - Oberon of the Red Vipers.

Oberon will definitely be running in a support/disruption role. His 100 Creds have been used up on a Psychoteric Worm and an additional Psychic power. With no armour or physical weapon apart from his bare hands he'll have to be careful early on. His Will Power has been increased to 7+ to aid his Wyrd abilities.  

Ad-Mech Ganger Specialist - WR-41-TH of the Marionettes.

WR-41-TH was a bit of a problem for us. Because he uses Venator rules instead of a straight forward gang list he cannot buy a specialist weapon from the Trading Post as his Rep isn't high enough. This will dictate his role for the early part of the campaign. A simple Fighting Knife and an Auto-Pistol will help keep his cost down but his need for some protection means his Mesh armour and Respirator will raise it slightly. In our last game the Marionettes rescued a Prisoner so WR-41-TH has 2 Stat increases. His Initiative has been improved to 3+ and his Ballistic Skill has increased to 3+. He's built with his future role in mind and has the Munitioneer Skill. I've had to quickly knock together this model as my Ad-Mech gang doesn't have a Specialist in it, so apologies for the WIP photo.
Once he (hopefully) gains enough Credits and Reputation he'll be calling in at the Trading Post to pick up his specialist weapon....Magnets are your friend ๐Ÿ˜‰

So the Regulators are (almost) ready for our first game next week when they'll attempt to escape the clutches of the Enforcers that are hot on their heels. 

Until next time....May the Hive Spirits watch over you! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. The cunning plan for ludwig is... I thought I had enough points left for an exterminator attachment for the chain axe. That will be the first thing he purchases from the flaming cassock accessories shop.

  2. So, so cool and personal. I love your approach. Looking forward to some action!!
