Thursday 22 February 2018

Fembruary Challange complete - Maman Brigitte of the Voodoo Dolls

House Escher

Greetings Sinners!
I might be failing with my Squadruary pledge but I've finally managed to paint up the leader of my Escher gang and so have completed my Fembruary Challenge! The entire model was something of an experiment (probably not the best idea to start with my leader but impetuousness is a Slaaneshi trait afterall). I'm really pleased with how she's turned out and while there are a couple of things I'd like to spend more time on, I have another nine gang members to get through!

If you ever find yourself around Stranglevine Creek ask for Maman Brigitte of the Voodoo Dolls for all your Wildsnake, Spook and Zombie needs.
Until next time.....may Our Lady grant you her number!


  1. As the Jaegermonsters would say, dot's a NICE hat!

  2. That looks well chief. Well done on getting her finished. Will make sure to include it next week.

    1. Cheers buddy, hopefully by then I'll have painted a few more ;-)

  3. Lord Adiatun Varunn22 February 2018 at 14:37

    You did a great work! It exudes the concept of voodoo perfectly; an outstanding, grant me the term, "Baroness Samedi"! ;-)

  4. Fantastic, I awlays want to do warpaint on my Dark Angels but fear it will just look daft. You've managed to do the day of the dead warpaint perfectly. It's absolutely clear what it's meant to be and you can still see the features underneath the makeup!

    1. Thanks Dave.
      Although it doesn't really show in the photo, the face paint is very thin (I was going for a washed out look) so the features haven't been obscured too much. It looks a bit blurry in the photo but when looked at in hand it's the skin underneath showing through. It was a bit of an experiment and I'm pleased with how it's turned out. I wanted to add more detail to the make-up but the face is so small and these old eyes of mine don't help with brush control ;-)
      Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Oh my, she's absolutely fantastic! Brilliant work! :)

  6. Dude, she is superb - love that facepaint! So tricky to do well, but you absolutely nailed it. Thank you for supporting Fembruary!

    1. Thanks fella....and thanks for the incentive to get painting again!

  7. Hiya! I like the glow of the power sword - it's suitably creepy to blend into the general feel of the wielder. Cheers.

    1. Cheers Jose.
      The power sword was the part that I was a little unsure of but it seems my concerns were unjustified because it has received plenty of positive comments else where.
      I'm glad you posted because for some reason blogger has been marking your comments as spam and whenever I tried to tell blogger that you aren't spam it deleted the post. It would appear that it's now sorted.

    2. Well, my comments are probably not quite helpful but they certainly are in good faith (is that possible for a Traitor Legionnaire? Haha). Darn scrapcode! :-D

  8. Your comments are always would appear that the scrap code has been purged from the system as everything seems to be in order once more.

  9. Wonderful , what a mcarbre model.
