Saturday 4 July 2020

The Marionettes 2.0 (part 4) - RH-03-TUS

Greetings Hivers!
I finally managed to lift myself from my Lockdown ennui and finish the last champion for my Renegade Ad-Mech gang, the Marionettes.
Eighteen months ago (yes it's been that long....blush) this was how the champion looked. He was a bit of a rush job at the time because I was trying to get him finished quickly for Rory's annual Squaduary challenge. Of course me being me, I was soon distracted by something else and I missed the deadline a bit 😉.
As luck would have it GW released a couple of Necromunda supplements that added a few more weapons to the game. One of the these was the Arc Rifle (can't get more Ad-Mech than that!) so I ripped off the Plasma gun to give him a more fitting weapon.
I liked the idea of a champion skittering about on slender limbs giving him a sort of spider/centaur feel  but the model looked a little too static, so I decided to add more movement to his legs. Basically I ripped him apart and rebuilt him and here is what I ended up with.....

As you can see he's changed quite a bit. The head swap is probably the most noticeable.

Armed with an Arc Rifle and an Autopistol, he is strictly built for laying down covering fire.

I decided to add a tattered raiment to help tie him in with the rest of the gang....

...and added the blooded cog for interest.

His face was a bit of a bugger to paint. It is so small and intricate that it isn't a natural focal point, so I added a limited jade glow to it in attempt to draw the eye to it. I'm not convinced it works that well but I like the effect and overall I'm happy with how Rhoetus came out.

I was hoping this would be the final model for my Renegade Mech gang but after playing many games with them, both Rob and I realised that the gang was too short on numbers to survive one of our 'Necromunda adventures'. They're great for one off skirmishes but as soon as they fought a battle their lack of numbers meant that they struggled to compete once their numbers had dwindled.

I've managed to fit in another two gangers, which are built and already for an undercoat (if it ever stops raining!). So the final picture of the Marionettes will have to wait until I've finished them.

Until next time....may the Hive Spirits watch over you! 😉


  1. There's something about him that reminds me of Waternoose from Monsters Inc. Sort of creepy, in a bureaucratic way. The glow effect is excellent and I like the way you've picked out the same colours in the pipes. Unsettling body horror too, the way the torso is just truncated, with insectile legs.

    1. I had to look up Waternoose as I've never seen Monsters Inc. I can certainly see the similarities, lol.
      I like the effect of the face, so much so that I'm thinking of putting it on all of the gang members...but there's so much to build and who knows?

  2. Great work on the upgraded Rh03tus. The wider stance has realy improved the dynamics. I think I like this as much as the puppet master.

    1. Cheers Rob. I really enjoy tinkering with the Ad-Mech models, there's something about them that speaks to me...I blame it on the horror film Hardware ;-)

  3. Excellent conversion (as always Gary). I definitely think the glow you've added to his face does it job and draws your eyes to it as a focal point. What did you use to achieve this effect GW Nihilakh Oxide?

    1. Thanks buddy.
      The green is an incredibly old Citadel Colour Ink, it must be over 20 years old! I use very little of it because it such a strong colour.

    2. I didn't realise it was a green Gary, the photo makes it look a light blue!

  4. Robotic spiders are a lot of fun in any setting you care to metion. Whilst I actually like the static musing pose from the v1 figure, the v2 figure certainly has a lot more presence and dynamism. I'm not 100% up on the current ranges - what kit do the legs come from?

    1. The legs are the supplementary arms from the Dark Eldar Talos kit. The Talos model is a great kit for gubbins ;-)

    2. I'd have never guess that in a million years! Cheers :)
