Tuesday 4 December 2018

Meanwhile back at Grubber's Heights....

News has just reached us from our roving reporter that the workers of Grubber's Heights have formed their own militia to protect their families and their interests in these perilous times.
The absence of the Clean-Up Crew and the Voodoo Dolls has created something of a power vacuum throughout Rockridge. This has led to a dramatic increase in reported attacks and robberies, especially around Grubber's Heights.
"Since they formed the Militia, people have begun to feel safe again." Said one local "Although they do seem to be a bit peculiar, not drinking an' all, they seem to be good-natured folk, even offering shelter to some unfortunate Muties."

 Our reporter tried to get an interview with their enigmatic Leader but unfortunately he was at prayer for the Four Armed Emperor.
So a humble and pious group as well as charitable and law abiding. Grubber's Heights has never been in such safe hands!

Greetings Sinners!
Rob has been busy getting his Genestealer Cult ready to spring on the unsuspecting inhabitants of Rockridge. What's more he's even written an introduction for them, so without further ado, over to Rob.....

Kindred of the Dawn Shadow

There are those that say that they mined too deep at Grubber's Heights and that there are some things that aren't meant to be cut from the heart of a planet and should never see the light of the spire.
Something ancient and resplendent in its malice stirs in the gloom, with a hunger older than mankind.
There are whispers that the miners that went down to that dark place were somehow changed and that they discovered some cyclopean evil in the bottomless hell of the Underhive.
An evil which claimed their souls for its own.
The Four Armed Emperor calls to them from the unlit depths....

...an inky, Stygian and Fathomless intellect seeking to embrace all who would listen....

....welcoming them to the brotherhood......A new Dawn is about to begin!


  1. Lord Adiatun Varunn4 December 2018 at 11:55

    Here's another interesting gang! The Magus is awesome, so rich in that "heretic" yellow ... (I have to hold on and not buy they, damn you 😊) Congratulations!

    1. They really are lovely models and Rob has done a great job on them. I have some these from the Kill Team boxed set and they're definitely on my 'to do' list.
      I don't know if Rob has seen the new GSC biker models yet but they should come in handy for the Kindred once the Clean-Up Crew and Voodoo Dolls return to kick them out into the Ash Wastes ;-)

    2. Thanks! I wanted the magus to realy stand out from the crowd and I'd seen one somewhere a while ago painted like that and thought it just looked epic (apologies to whoever I pinched the idea from.)

  2. Outstanding paintjobs and a great backstory, I love it. Are these the start of a bigger Army, or staying small Kill Team project?

    1. We're both focusing on Necromunda at the moment but hey who knows, they might sort 40k out at some point, so never say never 😉

    2. I do have the rest of the deathwatch overkill models to go at yet and another 20 of the multipart kits although they may get kit bashed with the skitarii I'm not sure yet.... bikers you say......and then there is the goliath truck I wanna build as well.....where to start is the real question!

    3. Word on the grapevine is that the Genestealer Cult Codex will be filthy good, so you might want to expand on them Rob.

  3. Great stuff! I love the exposition via clueless newsies, and the Brotherhood look great as well. I hope to see them in action soon.

    1. Rumours about their shifty looking eyes and sneaky demeanour are nothing but fake news....probably spread by those sneaky, backstabbing Delaques!

    2. It's only a matter of time before the machinations of the brotherhood bring them into conflict with the movers and shakers down in rockridge.

  4. Great looking gang. The yellow robes and the skin are really well done.

    1. Cheers mate I'm happy how they have turned out I may put a few more details on some key models, if they earn the attention in game performance!

  5. Great warband. I really like these genestealer cultists. So cool!

    1. The models are great to paint too. And plenty of scope for conversion.
