Saturday 5 May 2018

Welcome to the Pump House

Apex humongous was not happy. Profits were down, the demand was there as always but unfortunately for him and his crew their supply didn't meet it. Something was wrong one of their biggest customers had gone elsewhere and yet the supply seemed no better then before..... and who were those crazy voodoo dolls getting there h2o from anyway?

I've been working up the weathering effects for my boards 

Trying to keep a muted subdued colour scheme while showing off all the fantastic detail.

These are base coated drybrushed shadow grey then given a paint wash of cheap burnt umber and black acrilic  which was wiped of with a sponge .

Adding a few rust effect patches here and there stippling burnt umber and then solar mecharious orange along with some metallic highlights. 

And some carefull application of weathering powder. I mix this with water when it's applied it at first appears quite opaque and harsh but once dried can still be blended out and manipulated. 

I'm experimenting with using soft pastles to edge hilight it's quick and easy not sure how it will hold up to handling but I don't think I'll mind if it smudges it will just add to the effect.

Welcome to the pumphouse.

Finaly settled at this for a layout as I think it gives a good balance of hight,  cover and open space.

Some of the large open areas have prices of scater terrain to break up fire lanes. 

I've used a very subdued colour scheme and added very little detail other than the rust effects. My hope is that this will make our miniatures really pop in the games.

I'm aiming to create a claustrophobic enclosed industrial clutter, while still allowing big clumsy hands access to all the nooks and crannies.

The platforms break at the joints of the boards and can be swapped or rotated and mixed in with all Gary's boards 

I created gaps just wide enough to risk jumping across as a short cut....

Again all the pipes are moveable to switch things up a bit.

The barrels and boxes are glued in clumps as I think they look better 'posed' these ones are from Mantic.

I've had an absolute blast creating this character terrain and am already starting more! Although I'm still not calling this done it is certainly game ready. But for now the janitor and his clean-up crew need some attention.

Rumour has it some misguided fools have been drawing h2o without paying....humongus ain't gonna let that stand..... I pitty the fool!


  1. Oh Rob, that is marvellous!
    How are you finding the Weathering Powders?
    My first attempt with them was on the Terrain tile 4 and I used them dry. I then lightly dusted the powders with matt varnish and looked on in dismay as they simply vanished!
    I've done a bit of research and it appears that Weathering Powder Fixer is the best option (of course everywhere seems to have sold out at the moment). I do like the effect that the powders give but I need to experiment more. I'll try adding them wet and see how that goes.

    1. I had the same problem with wrstgerinw powder....then I discovered hairspray.

    2. They definitely stick better when applied wet and don't really rub off much. I use a most earbud to remove exess once dried.

    3. I've tried hairspray and pastel fixative from the art shop but found they still wash out a bit of the more delicate areas large flat bits for example. Maybe I went to heavy on the spray🤔

  2. Welcome to the pumphouse, we've got fun and games...wait, no.

    That looks great! I really do like the Sector Mechanicus Terrain sets. So much potential in there, especially considering how modular it all is.

    1. Totally! Also none of it feels flimsy even when just clipped together.

    2. Yeah, I am very impressed by how well those clips worked. I played a game with someone who hadn't really used the SM terrain, and he was blown away that the walkways he'd been running his dudes along were just clipped together, and not actually glued.

  3. Looks fantastic Rob. Looks like it would work for Kill Team as well.

    1. Cheers! Yeah kill team and shadow war too. I'm really looking forward to seeing all these boards together and getting a game in!

  4. Looks great Rob. What else have you got planned?

    1. Thanks. I've got the goliath gang table top ready and want to get a genestealer cult usable then maybe the orlocs. Terrain wise I've a couple of tiles started representing a fortified entrance.... think mad max road warrior meets medieval fortress...🤫 tell no-one. Of course nothing set in stone I'm letting the hobby take me where it will at the moment some more games is priority right now.

    2. Mad max road warrior meets medieval fortress i like the sound of that.

  5. Lord Adiatun Varunn7 May 2018 at 01:12

    Fantastic work! Truly impressive your commitment to make this happen!

    1. Thanks. It's easy easy when your enjoying it and all the encouragement received on here from all you guys is appreciated.
