Tuesday 25 August 2015

The Silken Scorpion - WIP....decisions, decisions.

Greetings sinners! It's been a while since I posted, but as you can see I've been beavering away on my latest acquisition, a Brass Silken Scorpion. I suppose I should have taken a photo of this with a Chaos Marine stood alongside it to show the scale because this thing is bloody huge.

My Brother in Sin (aka Slaanesh Steve, the Forsaken of Slaanesh or Castigator's bitch) and I had decided that we would both take a Scorpion to the UKGT heat 2 in an attempt to compete at a competitive level. Unfortunately for me, the Forsaken one has reneged on our agreement and has left me with the shame of turning up with a Brass Silken Scorpion in my Castigators. That's just the sort of sneaky underhand tricksy thing I would expect from my devious brother ;-) . Instead he's managed to win a Chaos Warhound with two Turbo Lasers on Ebay and plans on taking that instead....the jumpedupdoublebentnarrowbackedgit.....Love you really brother.
Anyhoo, work has progressed reasonably quickly (for me), it's already at a basic table top standard, but I really think my Brass Silken Scorpion could do with a little more Slaaneshifying.

I have a few ideas on how to achieve this. I could paint the armour plates with flaming Daemonettes similar to the front claws or my Fire Raptor .
Steve and I discussed building a platform for a Herald of Slaanesh or Warpsmith to stand on directing it, so I could do something similar to what Steve was going to do before he reneged on our agreement like this.....

......or I could add the daemon torso from a Slaanesh Soul Grinder I have lying around which would turn it into a giant Slaanesh Fiend....

All three options have their merits and I really can't decide which way I want to go with it. I really like Fiends of Slaanesh, so the third option appeals a lot, but I'm not sure if it detracts from the model too much. The original idea that Steve and I came up with has a lot of merit and wouldn't detract from the model too much and should look cool. The first option would be a lot quicker to achieve (and I'm rapidly running out of time to get this finished) and would leave the model with a simple elegance.
So what do you think peeps, which way would you go with it?


  1. Nice to see I figure so highly in your thoughts Brother :) . I prefer my option obviously [grin]. I think the Fiend looks a bit big but it could be the angle of the picture. All joking aside it looks bloody awesome mate.

  2. Lol....You always are dear brother ;-)
    Marz has voted for the "Fiend".....oh and he says booooooo for bailing on our agreement :D

  3. I vote for the Fiend option too.

  4. ......And Paul Scott has voted for the platform idea, so that is 2 votes for the 'Fiend' and 2 votes for the platform....ohh this getting exciting ;-)

  5. The fiend is a bit much I think. Paint the flame daemons first you can always add the platform later.

    1. That is probably a much more sensible option Rob ;-)

  6. I would go with Rob's option of the paintwork and then add a platform at your pleasure.

  7. Cover it in daemonettes riding it!

    1. I did toy with idea briefly, but thought of painting up a lot of Daemonettes put me off ;-)

  8. The platform driver thing fits best. I think the daemon mount while a neat idea looks goofy and tacked on.

    1. Yeah, it would need a lot of work to blend it to the Scorpion such as armour plates and cabling to make it look part of it.

  9. I though the fiend grinder torso had two claws?. Drop the grinder torso and do all the armor plates like your tanks with a daemon head around the front gun. Looking good pal;-)

    1. It did mate but I thought it might look better with a normal hand if I put it on the Scorpion.
      It'll take too long to model faces on it and I don't have enough time for that, it's a good idea but I need to finish this next week ;-)

  10. Just make do for now then go back to it and do all the green work on it. Trust me it will look gorgeous doing it like your tanks. After all a model like that needs more than a few hand painted flames on it pal. You know it makes sence pal ;-(

  11. Have you painted the fiend grinder tail and main body and legs yet pal? I've said it before I think your tanks and fiend grinder are your best work to date. There all your own idea and stand out from all the rest of the crowed . I would keep doing all your new and not so distint idea's in line with your tanks. That's the beauty of your army it's a one of a kind. Just my thought's im sure you have your own plans but the scorpion armor plates need lost souls added . I'll have to paint my fiend grinder now! I've gone with using 2 box sets of defilers and 2 maulerfiend kits for my hell knight style chaos knight it's coming on pal.

    1. Funnily enough, I now need to get it painted, along with 15 furies, for the Southern Invitational that Slaanesh Steve his holding in a weeks time! So it's all hands to the pump at the moment before I drown in a sea of miniatures ;-)
