Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Rise of the Regulators - Sanctuary (Part II)

A shudder ran down Brigitte's spine as the blood curdling shriek assaulted her ears once more.
'I know that sound' she thought as she looked at the grimacing faces around her. 'I hoped never to hear that vile noise again. Perhaps we should find another place from the prying eyes of the Enforcers?'
"What now?" Inquired Ludwig
The Cawdor Redemptionist was interrupted by a more immediate concern as another mutant threatened the Regulators. Howling Mad Mave reacted with impressive speed as she plunged her Chainsword through the mutant's chest, showering the area in gore. 
"We press forward" Replied Brigitte.
The Regulators moved out into the gloom.
Ludwig powered up the generator to banish the darkness. As soon as the generator came online swarms of Skeetas enveloped them.
Ludwig powered up his chainaxe and the noise appeared to attract the insects towards its vibrations as they flung themselves at its teeth.
Brigitte and Grimy made short work of the rest of the swarms but the venomous insects held them up for more of the Underhive fauna to become attracted by the noise.
Ludwig heard the familiar patter of tiny feet scuttling in the shadows. The Redemptionist launched a Frag Grenade into the gloom and smiled as his grenade set off a secondary explosion as a Bomb Rat was caught in the blast.
As the rest of the Regulators explored the complex, Grimy spotted a Ratskin closing in behind them. The Goliath Brute blasted him in the back with his Stub Gun taking him out of action.
Howling Mad Mave moved towards the shadows and discovered another Bomb Rat. 

The Orlock Wrecker blasted the vermin with her Sawn-Off Shotgun and the rat exploded awakening more dormant critters.
In the Darkness a pair of Giant Tunnel-Web Spiders searched for their missing offspring.
One of them spied the Regulators and scuttled forward attempting to ensnare them with its web but merely covered the corner of the compound in sticky gossamer threads.
Grimy popped out of the compound and attempted to gun it down but the shot flew wide.
Ludwig added his fire power in an attempt to bring it down but the shot failed to wound.
The blood curdling shriek echoed once more and Brigitte finally remembered where she had heard the noise before...Sirenmaw! The Escher leader was obviously shaken as she levelled her Bolter at the abomination and the shots flew wide.
On the other side of the compound Grimy charged the Giant Tunnel-Web. Its many limbs batted away the Goliath Bully's attacks and it screeched in frustration as it failed to land a telling blow.
Howling Mad Mave jumped towards Sirenmaw to protect Brigitte and Ludwig from the Coarseman's psychic scream. She levelled her Sawn-Off Shotgun at the abomination and stripped him of two wounds.
Grimy swung his Brute Cleaver into the Giant Tunnel-Web landing a blow amongst the critter's many eyes and taking it out of action. The dying creature's squeals attracted its mate however.
Sirenwaw attempted to incapacitate the Orlock Wrecker with his psychic Shriek but her reactions proved too quick and she moved behind the abomination and blasted him in the back with her Sawn-Off Shotgun. Although the shots failed to wound, they pinned the Coarseman and stopped him from charging. 
Sirenmaw climbed to his feet and his Psychic scream tore through Howling Mad Mave's nervous system incapacitating the Orlock Wrecker.
The Tunnel-Web's mate charged into Grimy and plunged its venomous fangs into him. The poison coursed through the Goliath's system and took him Out of Action, leaving him perilously close to death! Without the attentions of a medic the Goliath Bully would surely perish.
Brigitte found her nerve, and her aim. Her Boltgun rounds tore into the Sirenmaw, seriously injuring him. WR-41-TH charged in to finish off the downed Coarseman.
Howling Mad Mave recovered from her encounter with the Coarseman and charged the Giant Tunnel-Web that had taken Grimy Out of Action. The Orlock Wrecker stripped a wound from the arachnid.
Brigitte charged in to finish it off and recover Grimy's partially cocooned body. 
Another generator was brought online and the disturbance brought in a cluster of Sump Slugs
Howling Mad Mave and Brigitte charged in to hack down the toxic critters.
Ludwig targeted another with a Frag Grenade but all he achieved was to awaken more dormant Critters. 
The Redemptionist charged in to hack apart the offending beast.
In all the commotion a nest of Hive Mites was disturbed. Howling Mad Mave launched herself into their midst and, howling in fury, gunned one of the chitin armoured beasts down with her Shotgun.
Her battle cries drew the attention of a band of mutants however and the Orlock Prospect was blasted from her feet by an Autogun round causing a flesh wound.
Sensing an easy kill the band of mutants closed in on the reckless Orlock.
Ludwig came under attack from a Hive Mite but the Redemptionist's reactions proved too quick and he dispatched it with ease
Brigitte gunned down the mutant that had wounded Howling Mad Mave. The young Orlock Prospect fell back from her reckless foray with the Hive Mites hot on her trail.
Brigitte calmly ignored the chaos around her and levelled her Bolter at a Flamer armed mutant. The shot hit home but but failed to wound. To make matters worse her Bolt Gun jammed again.
The Hive Mites charged into Brigitte and Howling Mad Mave and as the Regulators struggled to take them down the mutant doused them all in flame. Brigitte and Mave both took a flesh wound but both avoided being set ablaze. One Hive Mite perished in the flames but the other charged Howling Mad Mave and the Orlock Wrecker lost her final wound to go Out of Action. Fortunately for her, after a brief Convalescence, she would be fine. 
With only three Regulators left Ludwig activated the 8th generator before rushing to support his badly injured comrades. He spotted a mutant closing in on the beleaguered Escher leader and blasted it apart with a Krak Grenade.
Brigitte took out the Hive Mite that had seen off Howling Mad Mave and consolidated into cover from the flamer armed mutant. WR-41-TH charged the mutant taking it Out of Action with his Knife.
The noise of the recently activated generator attracted yet another Coarseman to the fray. Unaware of the Escher leader behind him Rhinox shot at Ludwig with his Grenade Launcher but the shot flew wide. The Redemptionist returned fire and a Krak Grenade stripped two wounds from the abomination.
With her Bolter still jammed, Brigitte charged into Rhinox and took him Out of Action with her Stiletto Sword.
The Regulators consolidated their position. WR-14-TH used his Munitioneer skill to help Brigitte clear her jammed Bolter. Ludwig brought the final generator online to bath the entire complex in light.
The noise of the generator attracted the fourth and final Coarseman...Potomus! Ludwig edged out from a column fired a Krak Grenade into it, stripping two wounds from it.
Brigitte caught Potomus in a crossfire and seriously injured the Coarseman.
WR-41-TH moved into position to charge it and with typical Mechanicum efficiency took it Out of Action.
With WR-41-TH still leaking fluids and Brigitte bleeding out, the Regulators pushed forward together in an attempt to clear the complex.
Brigitte skewered a Sump Slug with Stiletto Sword.
WR-41-TH targeted the Last of the Hive Mites but his deteriorating condition was obviously affecting his systems and the shot flew wide. Ludwig tried to hit it with a Frag Grenade but the blast scattered wide to reveal a supply cache buried in the rubble.
As the Redemptionist moved towards it he was charged by a hidden mutant. Ludwig dodged one blow but the mutant was determined and inflicted a flesh wound before the Cawdor Deacon finished him off with his Chainaxe. Ludwig smashed open the supply crate to discover a Medi-kit which he immediately used to regain one wound.
The Hive Mite charged WR-41-TH and with his condition seriously weakened the Ad-Mech Specialist finally succumbed to his injuries and went Out of Action. The Hive Spirits were watching over him though and WR-41-TH gained some Impressive Scars.
With only two Regulators left standing the injured misfits worked in tandem to wipe out a swarm of Rats.
Brigitte gunned down the last of the mutants as Ludwig found another Medi-kit in a supply crate that it had been guarding.
As if sensing their weakened condition more swarms of Rats closed in on the Regulators...
...But the Regulators remained calm and thinned their numbers with Frag and Bolter rounds...
...Before charging in to finish them off in close combat. 
Finally! The complex had been cleared!

The bag was snatched from his head and the Rogue Doc blinked as harsh light stabbed his eyes.
"Where am I?" He mumbled. 
Someone was laid out on a makeshift table before him...or the blurry outline of someone. He closed one eye and peered through the other as his vision adjusted. 
It didn't take a medic to see that the Goliath was in a bad way. Shallow breaths rattled in his throat and the Doc could feel the heat emanating from the body even at this distance.
"I don't normally do house calls" said the Doc "but I can see these are exceptional circumstances." 
Two large puncture wounds was the obvious cause of his condition.
"What bit him?" inquired the Doc.
"This." replied a fearsome looking Escher gang Queen as she threw the head of a Giant Tunnel-Web Spider onto the makeshift table.
"Where is the rest of it? I need...."
The Escher Carefully place a a large toxin sac onto the table.
"Ah, just the thing I was looking for" 
"I have some experience with toxins." said the Escher by way of reply.
'No surprise there' he thought as he set to work on his Goliath patient.

Phew! That was a game and a half.
Only 2 Regulators were left standing and both of them were pretty badly wounded. We got very lucky with the injuries we rolled for. Even though Grimy was close to dying, Rob rolled for the Medical Escort and it only cost him 40 credits to save the Goliath Bully.

Maman Brigitte
The Escher Leader took down nine denizens that infested the Complex. Two of those were the Coarsmen known as Cereberax and Rhinox earning her 25 Credits and giving her a Reputation of 9.
Credits: 25
Experience: 9
Reputation: 9

The Redemptionist also claimed 9 kills bringing down the Giant Millisaur to earn 44 Credits.
Credits: 44
Experience: 9
Reputation: 5

The AD-Mech Specialist had a torrid time. He only managed 3 kills but as luck would have it two of those were the Coarsemen Potomus and Sirenmaw which saw his Reputation increase to 9. He got lucky with the Injury roll gaining Impressive Scars which improved his Cool Statistic by 1
Credits: 49
Experience: 3
Reputation: 9

Howling Mad Mave
The Orlock Wrecker put in a solid performance taking down 7 mutants and critters and earning 24 credits. She rolled lucky on the Injury Table and went into convalescence, which only stopped her from visiting the trading post or spending her hard earned credits on a Hanger-On.
Credits: 69
Experience: 7
Reputation: 5

Hubris eventually caught up with the Goliath Bully (I could almost hear him screaming "I am invincible!" before a Giant Spider sank its fangs into him 😂 ). Grimy claimed an impressive 9 kills which earned him a fistful of credits...which was just as well because he needed them to pay for the Rogue Doc's attentions. The encounter left Grimy with a Bitter Enmity against Giant Tunnel-Web Spiders which gives him the Berserker skill if another one ever turns up. 
Credits: 15
Experience: 9
Reputation: 6

Our next mission will see the Regulators attempt the mission 'Intelligence Gathering' in an attempt to discover what is going on. We'll miss Grimy for the next game but the Delaque Prospect Oberon will return to make up for it.
Hopefully it will be a much shorter Battle Report and if you've managed to make it this far then get yourself a drink....You've earned it 😉

Until next time.....May the Hive Spirits watch over you!


  1. Grimy is now fully convinced he is indestructible, with him on the throne looking out for him.

    1. Pah, serves him right for banging on the bloody door and waking everybody up!

  2. Loving this campaign. Really great to see you blogging again mate.

    1. Thanks Ed 😁
      It's good to be back on a shift where I can get regular games in.

  3. Oh, this was tense! I'm enjoying these reports, they're cool as hell, it's so good to have you back to the good stuff again

    1. Gracias Suber 😁
      We really thought we would lose some Regulators this phase but by more luck than judgement we made it through pretty much intact.
