Saturday 9 May 2020

The masquerade

The masquerade are a tzeentch cult I've been working on lately using the models from the Blackstone fortress game.

These were a real struggle for me to paint. Not particularly the models as the way I started painting. All the colours were applied over a wyldwood  contrast paint and in hindsight this was far to dark for all the pale flesh and white.

I will return to them and apply more details and tidying up at a later date

As I'm now inspired to start building the stimmers of the house of chains to show a little love to my goliath gang.


  1. Beautiful models! I like the use of white on chaotic models, it seems wrong for the implications that we unconsciously give (white = purity) but it is, deliciously, unholy...
    Lord Adiatun Varunn

    1. Agreed. I was looking for a clean cut finish for these scions of tzeentch. They would after all be attempting not to draw attention to their chaotic ways.

  2. Great looking gang, nice work!

  3. Thanks they are table top ready. I have a couple more to finish (spawn and a familiar) as well as the finishing touches.

  4. Bloody hell Rob, get back to work and stop knocking these gangs out!
    I've managed to paint a whole two models since Lockdown...some Lockdown, I've been working solidly throughout.
    It looks like Rockridge is going to get pretty busy once we can see each other again.

    Nice one mate.

    1. I am back working now dude so progress will no doubt slow up. Though I do have a couple of other projects half started to finish up.

    2. Nice one.
      Hopefully the restrictions will ease up soon and we can get a game in...Rockridge is a lonely place without you ;-)

  5. The calm before the storm.... of lead!
