Monday 26 August 2019

Danh Bokor - Voodoo Dolls Rogue (Witch) Doc

The Sump Swamp of Stranglevine Creek is a dank and dangerous place. Grapple Weed, Barbed Venomgorse and Shardwrack Spines thrive in the swamp's fetid environment, deterring all but the most fool hardy or desperate. Even the most experienced of locals occasionally fall prey to the sump-snakes, sludge-jellies and the myriad other fauna of Stranglevine Creek. Those who venture deeper into the sump swamp face the greatest risk of all, the Voodoo Dolls of House Escher.
Despite this, one man moves freely throughout the region, impervious to the dangers that Stranglevine Creek holds....Danh Bokor.  

Greetings Hivers!
My hobby time has been firmly focused on gaming just lately with painting taking a back seat. My Escher gang is pretty much complete now except for one glaring exception....a Rogue Doc. I'd been procrastinating about what model to use as a Rogue Doc, I wanted something a little more feral for my Voodoo Dolls, something that would have a witch doctor/shaman feel and wouldn't take an age to convert.
As soon as the Warcry models were previewed I knew I'd found my Rogue Doc in the Serpent Caller. Better yet the model would need very little conversion to give me what I wanted. A simple hand swap to give him a Stub Gun....

A Dark Eldar knife with vials to indicate his predilection for potions....

More vials from the Admech Kataphron kit....

.....And a dirty great syringe from a Dark Eldar Talos kit was added should his patients need more traditional medicine!

I added some candles to the base from the Cawdor sprue to complete the look.

Nobody knows the origins of Danh Bokor, except perhaps Sumpsnake Sully of the Voodoo Dolls, and she only smiles and shakes her head when asked about him. That still doesn't stop the locals of Stranglevine Creek from speculating though; some claim he was an off-worlder from a Catachan regiment who deserted, others that he is a Ratskin shaman, the last of his tribe.
What is known about him is his ability as a healer. Many locals brave the sump swamps to seek him out at the Danh-hwe (the Serpent House in the old tongue). It is said that the Bokor is a witch for hire, one who serves the Hive Spirits "with both hands", meaning he can practise both dark magic and benevolent magic. His black magic includes the creation of zombies and the creation of 'Ouangas', talismans that house spirits.
Whatever the truth is, the Voodoo Dolls of House Escher hold him in high regard and his services are often sought out by those brave enough to venture into their territory.


  1. Acolite of baron samedi perhaps?
    "Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones, now hear the word of the lord."

    1. Be careful my friend, he'll put a spell on you! 😎

  2. Lord Adiatun Varunn26 August 2019 at 11:20

    Ouch, ouch, ouch, I'm getting worse! I never thought of that model as something from 'Munda ... I'm getting old! ��
    Seriously, it's a great idea and coincides perfectly with the "spirit" of the band! Congratulations!!

    1. Thanks Marco, I knew as soon as I saw the preview that I'd found the perfect rogue witch doctor :D

  3. Absolutely perfect! I love the Splintered Fang Models, and this is a perfect use of the Serpent Caller. Great work adding just enough 40K stuff to place him in Necromunda, and I love the pattern on his snek.

    1. Cheers Alexis. GW are producing some really nice models of late, so nice that they need very little work to suit my needs :D

  4. Nice model Gary (yet again) I picked up a box of the Corvus Cabal for the exact same reason, brilliant figures just oozing with potential for conversion. Keep it up Buddy as I always enjoy seeing what you and Rob are getting up to (gaming & modelling).

    1. Cheers mate, happy to see you're still enjoying it.
      Rob has bought a box of the Corvus Cabal as well but we still haven't been able to get hold of the Warcry game yet from Element Games. With that in mind we haven't decided which way we are going to go with these yet, they may be used for Warcry or they may be press-ganged into the Underhive or Ash Wastes ;-)

  5. Good work, a perfect fit for the Voodoo Dolls vibe.

  6. Scary as hell, I love how he looks.

    1. Gracias Suber, the Warcry models are really nice to work with.
