Thursday 26 January 2017

WIP Chaos Biker Lord

Work continues on Nestor's new ride, not quite at the pace I was hoping for but the build is almost complete. One or two people have been asking how it's going (so many impatient readers on here!), so I thought I'd show the progress I've made......

I've tried so many different bits and pieces for this project, that it has slowed me down much more than I expected it to. I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out. The poor unfortunate rider (I can't get the name Alfred out of my head!) has a new bionic lower leg which emphasises just how little was left of him after his 'death race' with Korath Vilehorn.

The right leg, will receive some daemonic flesh, forever fixing him to the bike (but I'll do that once the bike and rider have been painted separately)'s better than being interred inside a Sarcophagus, at least he can feel the wind on one side of his face and his bare shoulder ;-)

I've kept the bike purposely 'plain', so that it appears typically Space Mariney. I keep looking at the front mud guard and thinking it needs something to chaosify it a bit, something subtle rather than something over the top.....but I'm unsure what?

Nestor himself, is sporting his new armour that was taken from his brother Vorlath....this champion of Slaanesh once held the title of Chosen of Slaanesh until Nestor defeated him and cast him from Our Lady's sublime gaze.
I'm happy with the pose and his wargear, but I'm still undecided on which head to use. I'm leaning more towards the bare head (Cassius from the Deathwatch if anybody is interested). I think it looks more menacing and I usually build all of my characters without a helmet.
I do like the helmet from the Emperor's Children Palatine set though.
So, helmet?....
....or not?.....

.....that is the question?
Opinions would be greatly appreciated......and while you're at it, what about tarting the front of the bike up? Yea or nay?

Until next time, may Our Lady grant you her number ;-)


  1. Lord Adiatun Varunn26 January 2017 at 10:23

    Just "Wow"!!! I have no other appropriate words!
    For the question of the helmet, I tink it's better the bare head... The helmet is wonderful, but a Chosen (The Chosen :-) ) of the Lord of Pleasure, would deny himself the joy of the wind on the skin (and the screams of terror and pain of his enemies who, overwhelmed, they seek refuge)?

    1. Cheers buddy.
      The taste of pain, fear and lust is a heady but subtle thing, one that loses something of its flavour when experienced through the limited sensors of a helmet! ;-)

  2. Loving the way it's going gaz.I would do something with the front mud guard and back ones too if it was me. I like the helmet but would go with the bare head option. I like the dark elder bit added to the backpack. Go with a daemon face or something like that. Keep up the good work mate; -)

    1. Cheers Dyl.
      I'm unsure on the Bike. On the one hand I want it to look like it's a (Chaos) Space Marine bike (so nothing too wacky) but on the other I want it to look suitably Chaos. It needs something subtle, I'm just not sure what.

  3. What about flaid skin across the front mud guard something like stretched skin of a face or something like that.

    1. Yeah, that was going to be my fall back if it turned out too plain when I've painted it up. I was trying to think of something a little more original, but I'm all out of ideas.

    2. Do something like your tanks on the front mud guard and back mud guards. On smaller scale of course just a idea gaz;-)

    3. I'm greenstuffing some Slaaneshi swirls to add a bit more interest to the front end and mudguards.
      I've realised that I haven't fitted the front blades to the handlebar guards yet....D'oh. That alone will change the front end considerably ;-)

    4. Sounds interesting:) someone mentioned using the dirge caster iv used that for the back mud guards trimmed them down of course.

  4. Bare head for sure.

    Can you work the faceplate from the dirge caster on there? The bits you get with the Chaos Rhino. Not sure if it would sit on the side of the front wells; may be too big. If you have any of the Chaos Bikers wheel hub spikey bits then that would help too. In general, you might find some useful bits from the Rhino kits; lots of little details in there.

    Anyway, he's looking awesome. Such a cool and original idea.

    1. Cheers Thor.
      I think it's safe to say that the bare head is the winner.
      The Dirge Caster is a bit too big really, but it's the right idea. I had the idea of sculpting a face on similar to the Noise Marine heads on their sonic weapons, but I was feeling particularly lazy (and I wanted to get some paint on him) and was hoping someone would suggest something I hadn't thought of ;-)
      Looks like I'll have to bite the bullet, and do some more work on it then.

  5. I seem to remember Vorlath kicking his Brothers a** last time they met :) that aside bloody awesome model Brother and I look forwards to crossing swords and chain axes with you next weekend.

    1. I thought that was Johann von Gottlieb? Forgive me brother, I struggle to keep up with your perfidy with the Dark Gods, who have you pledged your allegiance to now? ;-)
      Looking forward to seeing you next weekend mate!

  6. I think it will be a year of blood this year bar the doubles in April.

    1. I can see the attraction brother, they work much how we expect Chaos to play.
      Fear not my wayward brother, I shall carry Our Lady's banner!

  7. I like the bare head. It adds a bit of restraint to the jumble of things on top of the bike. Not that much measure is needed with a devotee of Slaanesh, but it helps to avoid getting too cartoony. Cheers.

    1. Yeah, my thoughts as well. That's why I don't want to use a daemonic looking head as well. His armour is busy enough along with the rider, so the idea is to have a Chaos Lord that underneath all the bling appears almost human.

  8. Definitely the bare head Gary.
    I also agree the front needs a little something else, but as to what I'm not sure (always so much easier with Khorne or Nurgle).

    1. Yeah, the bare head is staying and I've added a little bit of detailing to the front. Now that it's getting lighter I should be able to get some paint on it next week.

    2. Yes at last we're starting to actually see the return of 'Daylight' & I think the big burny thing in the Sky is wot some use to refer to as a 'Sun'. It's been that bloody long since I've seen it.
      Hoping to get some painting in myself next week.
      I'm looking forward to seeing the model with some paint on it. Out of interest why have your pictures just been in black & white thus far?

    3. The black and white photo is to show that it's work in progress. There's no colour on the model and I think it looks more stylish in black and white without losing any of the detail.
