Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Castigators' 2nd Cohort sets sail for Heat 2 of the UKGT

After three days of solid painting, my army is as ready as it's going to get for heat 2 of the UKGT. It seems awfully small for a 1500pt army, but hey, a Scorpion and a Fire Raptor sure eat those points up!

I've run out of time to paint any more, so while most of it is far from finished, it is at least table top ready. The Dreadclaw is going to take a long time to finish, but at least it's got the main colours on it, so it will have to do. I managed to finish Lucian, my Sorceror and I think the new weapon is looks much better than the sword that he had.

Lucian will be riding in the Dreadclaw along with 6 Chaos Space Marines, so hopefully he won't be seen until the end of the means his ride is dead if he is ;-)

Lucian Soulweaver accompanied by Squad Divine disembark from their Dreadclaw.
The Violated, meat-shield for the Silken Scorpion.

The Castigators have never followed the Codex Astartes and vehemently opposed it at its inception. The structure of the Chapter has more in common with their ancient brothers, the Black Templars than their Primogenitors, the Imperial Fists.
Like the Black Templars, the Castigators were originally a Crusading Chapter and their organisational structure reflected this. The Chapter was composed of six cohorts of various sizes, with each cohort operating independently from one another. Movement between the cohorts was commonplace and was determined by operational requirements rather than the stringent dogmatic structure of other Codex Chapters. Since their 'Enlightenment,' this movement between cohorts seems determined more by the whim of the cohort's Commander rather than operational need and has seen each cohort become more specialised in their methods of  warfare.
The 2nd Cohort has always been led by the Castigators' Chief Sorceror and it's no surprise that the 2nd is home to most of the Chapter's psykers. Although Nestor Lustheart is the Chapter Master of the the Castigators, it is Lucian Soulweaver who holds the most influence over the Chapter. This influence extends throughout all of the cohorts and Lucian can call upon many Commanders in supplying him with whatever he desires.....even units that Nestor would baulk at!

I just have time to type out an army list, pack everything up and then I'm ready to go. I'll have one practice game tomorrow night with my mate Neil in sunny Castleford and hopefully I'll get another practice game against my brother in sin, Steve on Friday. After that, it'll be into the jaws of hell on the Saturday and Sunday......and I promise not to drink too much......honest!
I'll let you know how it goes, until then.....may Our Lady grant you her number.....unless you're playing me at the weekend ;-)


  1. Looking great Brother and I look forwards to crossing swords with you on Friday. Steve

    1. Cheers brother....and the pleasure will be all mine Oathbreaker ;-)

  2. Blimey, kinda glad I'm not going to this heat now. I might have had to play you and it looks like a tough list. Might have to revise mine if that's the kind of level to expect. Of course, there's always the painting route to qualification.

    1. You'll qualify through painting alone Iain. I've gone for survivability rather than killing power....that's the theory anyway ;-)

  3. Small compact armie gaz! Good look pal;-)

  4. Got my first game in against Neil's Daemons with Kytan. As expected the Kytan made short work of my Scorpion, killing it on the charge.....but not before it had shot Be'lakor out of the sky and ripped him apart in combat! The Heldrake and Fire Raptor did sterling work mowing down Neil's summoned Daemons and mopping up any stragglers. The Dreadclaw was surprisingly effective, delivering Lucian and his Chaos Marines into combat against two Tzeralds and some Horrors, wiping them out on the charge! It then took to the air once again killing the Blue Scribes with its heat blast attack, but more importantly, it stopped the Kytan from coming after my army because of its Objective Secured ability and Neil couldn't afford to give up the objective it was on. I can see the Dreadclaw becoming a regular in my army!

  5. Hiya! I painted a Dreadclaw for my last project, the misguided devotees of Khorne, but somehow like it more sitting on the shelf than fumbling around the gaming table. The thing is unwieldly! Glad to hear that you put it to good use. Have a good gaming experience and we'll be waiting eagerly for the report. Cheers.

    1. Cheers pal. I should have a report up in the next day or two.

    2. I'm also waiting for the report(s)!
      Perhaps you made some nice pictures, too? :)

    3. I've just uploaded some photos, unfortunately they won't be of the quaility that Greggles does over on 'Feed Your Nerd' (I only have a smart phone and the lighting isn't great at Sanctuary). I'll be writing out a report tonight and tomorrow morning, so all being well, there'll be a report up tomorrow :D

  6. Interesting army and impressive paintjobs. I'm looking forward to any battle reports you might want to share. Regards ISM

    1. Cheers ISM, I should have it posted up this evening.
