Sunday 10 May 2015

Fire Raptor WIP - Subtitled, Do I NOT Like Painting Large Models!

Work is continuing very slowly on my Fire Raptor, in fact, the only thing that has progressed quickly is my realisation that I don't like painting large models. As each day passes, it sits there on my coffee table, taunting me with its 'vastness,' leeching every ounce of enthusiasm from me and replacing it with soul numbing apathy. Even as I type this out I can feel the waves of smugness emanating from the damnable thing as it mocks my inability to find the energy to pick up a paint brush.

I'm convinced that Tzeentch has got together with Nurgle and Khorne to lure me away from my appointed task. The tricksy hobby butterfly circles around my head whispering sweet temptations to paint something else. Khorne's fury boils within my blood as every part of the construction has been so problematic that I just want to throw the thing across the room and Nurgle is plaguing me with headaches to hamper my mission (nothing to do with the amount of alcohol I consumed last night....honest).

But fear not, I shall finish this soul crushing monstrosity, it might take me a while, but tribute shall be paid to She Who Thirsts. The Castigators will have an answer to those pesky Flying Hive Tyrants!

Until next time.....My Our Lady grant you her number ;-)  


  1. With you there, I've got a Stormblade that's less than 25% of the way done and I just can't bring myself to work on it. I'm probably going to farm it out to someone who'll at least base coat it. That thing is just too monstrous.

  2. Lol, I feel your pain.
    I'm hoping it will become more enjoyable once the hull is painted. I've left it in small (ish) parts so it doesn't overwhelm me, but I think it may be having the opposite effect. I'm now at the stage where I just want to get it stuck together. I can only imagine how soul destroying painting a Stormblade's all Hull.

  3. I just love the pin stripe ghost flames on the side. Those are AMAZING.

    1. Thanks Greg.
      As soon as I saw that design in the Imperial Armour 13 book, I thought I had to incorporate that idea into my Castigators. A mate has a Flawless Host army so it looks like the Castigators requisitioned it from them ;-).
      I'm glad I did, because there are so many flat surfaces on the Raptor that it would look a bit plain just painting everything violet.

    2. I agree! Finding interesting ways to make flat surfaces interesting is a challenge on the larger models. It's really great. Lovin it! Keep it up!

    3. I would have gone for some heavy weathering, but it doesn't seem appropriate for a vehicle dedicated to Slaanesh.....everybody knows how we like to polish our helmets ;-)

    4. Haha you just gave me a funny vision of some slaves mopping the side of the raptor :)

  4. I don't care to paint large models either. It takes more time, more patience, more everything. When you're used to painting at a certain pace with infantry, a vehicle just throws that all out the window and feels endless.

    1. Endless is a good way to describe it Thor. I feel like I'm getting nowhere with it. Fortunately I've managed to almost complete a wing today, so hopefully I'll finish it off tomorrow and get a bit more of it assembled.
      With luck, I'll post another WIP tomorrow before I go back to work for the next 7 days.

  5. Very nice always

  6. Hiya Mr Castigator.

    I appreciate the paint scheme in old-style brush and highlight. Too many times we see these gorgeous machines covered in a squeeze of airbrush and little else. But I know this may be taxing and near eternal to complete. But hey, you've got the whole 'long' War to do it, so keep the spirits up! Cheers.

    1. Lol, the Long War is all Chaos players have left! ;-)
      I toyed with using an airbrush and using the 'Modulation' technique but I'm not the biggest fan of that style.
      What really swung it was that I hardly have any Imperial Purple left so I'm having to be really frugal with it. I should have enough to finish this but I've no idea where I'm going to get that shade of purple for future projects....there have been 3 different GW paint ranges since it was available and none of them have a colour that comes close to it ;-(
      Thanks for the encouragement, it really does help.

  7. Hello again.

    I daresay that Vallejo Purple is more or less like this colour, but you should try it first and see if it blends well with your previous brushwork.

  8. I've just been looking a Vallejo's colour range and and they seem to have the widest colour range, thanks for pointing them out.
