Sunday 1 March 2015

Storms of Judgement - Assault on Voidspan

Nestor silently cursed his impetuousness.
In his haste to hunt down the Corpus Mundi, the Castigators’ Terminators had been left behind at Toil’s End. Only Shaithis, captain of the first Cohort, had one of the precious suits available. Because of this, Nestor had given him responsibility to secure a beachhead on the station.
Shaithis had addressed the War Council with his usual arrogance. His attempts at swaying the War Council to his proposals had all the finesse of a World Eater at a tea party. Whilst amusing at first, Nestor was growing tired of his rhetoric and was beginning to regret his decision to give him overall command of the assault.
Shaithis’ ramblings were interrupted by the arrival of Lucian and Janus. Nestor held a hand up and Shaithis fell silent.
“What news do you bring us Janus?”
“The space station is still invisible to our sensors my Lord. The structure defies all known configurations.” replied the Warpsmith.
“So we’ll be going in blind then. Have you awakened Deimos and Phobos from their slumber?
“I have my Lord; they are already secured on the first wave of Boarding Torpedos.”
Nestor turned to face the Chief Sorceror as he took up his customary position alongside him. “What of our allies Lucian?”
“All is ready my Lord. The ritual is complete and N’kari and his children will join the assault in the second wave.”
“Excellent!” interrupted Shaithis. “Consider the beachhead secure my Lord.” 
Shaithis turned to leave the chamber.
“Shaithis!” growled Nestor. 
Shaithis turned to face him.
“You have my permission to leave Captain…..and if you do not secure the Beachhead, then see to it that you do not return.”

We tried our first game of Zone Mortalis this week and as promised here’s a report on our game. For those who haven’t got a clue what I’m on about, Zone Mortalis is a rules-set developed by Forge World to simulate 40k games in Spaceships, Space Stations, Hive Cities, underground caverns or any other confined space you can think of. The rules can be found here:
The Story So Far
The Slaves to Darkness (Rob’s Death Guard) have tracked the source of the jamming signal to the Space Station classified as Voidspan. Within hours of slaughtering the inhabitants and taking control of the station, the Prophets of War (my Castigators) are launching an attack to establish a Beachhead.
We decided to play ‘Force the Breach’ with Rob as the Defender and me as the Attacker. Basically it’s 3 objectives each worth 2vp’s each.
The Defender chooses his table quarter and deploys half of his army. The Attacker then rolls a D6 and on a 4+ he can choose which table quarter he deploys in. If the player rolls less than 4+ he takes the opposite quarter. The Attacker also splits his army into two waves.
Special Rules
For every game won in the ‘Three’s A Crowd’ scenario the player receives D6 Daemon Troops to add to their force (Rob won 3 and I had 1 win).
For each boarding action that is repelled the Defender successfully downloads the co-ordinates to a hidden planet. If the Attacker is successful then control of the space station’s doors is lost.
Death Guard
Lord Festus Blightmaster, MoN, powerfist, Burning Brand of Skalathrx & Sigil of Corruption.
5 Plague Marines, 2 Flamers.
5 Plague Marines, 2 Melta, Tosis Mire with Power Axe.
5 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma, Septicus with Power weapon.
5 Nurgle Possessed.
4 Nurgle Spawn.
1 Obliterator, MoN
Additional Troops
1 Plague Bearer
1 Plague Bearer
3 Plague Bearers.
In his excitement to play on our new board, Rob forgot to bring some of his army….D’oh! So in the photos, what appears to be Purple Chaos Space Marines are in actual fact Nurgle Possessed. Similarly the Cultists represent his Plague Bearers….apologies for any confusion caused.
The Castigators
Lord Shaithis, MoS, Terminator Armour, Murder Sword.
Squad Divine - 5 Noise Marines, Blastmaster, 3 Sonic Blasters.
Squad Rapture - 5 Noise Marines, Blastmaster, 3 Sonic Blasters.
Phobos – Helbrute, missile launcher, fist, heavy flamer.
Deimos – Helbrute, missile launcher, fist, heavy flamer.
N’kari – Keeper of Secrets, Lash of Despair.
15 Daemonettes.
Additional Troops
5 Daemonettes.
The Death Guard deployed all three Plague Marine squads and Festus with the Possessed like so.
Rob kept all three units of Plague Bearers, the Obliterator and the Spawn in reserve.
The Castigators kept the Keeper of Secrets and both squads of Daemonettes in reserve. I rolled for infiltrate for my Warlord Trait and infiltrated a unit of Noise Marines.
The overall deployment looked like this.
Turn 1
Rob moved all three Plague Marine squads towards the breach. This was relatively easy as he had control of the doors and could open and close them at will.
Festus and his Possessed (who happen to look remarkably like Darius and Squad Sublime ;-)  ) moved around the control centre and made for the infiltrating Noise Marines.
The Castigators quickly realised what a predicament they were in in opening doors. They treated all doors as armour 13 so were considerably slowed by them whereas the Death Guard could open and close them at will. The Noise Marines attacked the side door blowing it open with a melta bomb while the infiltrating marines scuttled back towards the main force.
Turn 2
Rob rolled for his reserves and the two single Plague Bearer units (who disguised themselves as Escher Cultists!) deep struck onto the station, securing an objective each.
The Plague Marine squad with the flamers moved over to hose the Noise Marines down with their flamers. Bathing five of them in deadly Promethium only the aspiring champion fell as Shaithis in his Terminator armour shielded the rest of the squad from harm.
The other two Plague Marine squads moved towards the Dreadnoughts and prepared their specialist weapons.
Festus and his Possessed sprinted to join the Plague Marines.
The Large squad of Daemonettes arrived out flanking the Flamer Plague Marines as Shaithis led his Noise Marines towards them.
The Dreads moved over to cover the main doors and failed to blast their way through them.
The other squad of Noise Marines continued their move towards their main force laying down some suppressing fire.
Shaithis and his squad charged the Plague Marines, bellowing his challenge he failed to wound Septicus and took one in return. The Noise Marines hacked down a Plague Marine for the cost of one of their number.
Turn 3
The Plague Marines burst through the doors blasting away at the two dreads.
Phobos exploded as a melta ripped through the Helbrute's sarcophogus while the plasma squad stripped two hull points from Deimos.
The assault between Shaithis and Septicus continued with neither able to inflict a wound upon the other. The rest of the Plague Marines smashed a Noise Marine to the floor for no loss.
The Keeper of Secrets failed to arrive this turn but the five strong Daemonettes moved on behind Shaithis. The Helbrute Deimos moved towards the Plague Marines determined to avenge his brothers destruction.
The Noise Marine squad and Dread opened fire on the Plague Marines killing all but one of the Plasma Plague squad.
The Daemonettes charged into the the on going assault with Shaithis and the Plague Marines.
The Dread charged into Tosis Mire's Plague Marines.
The Daemonettes slaughtered the Plague Marines but still Shaithis couldn't wound the Plague Champion!
Deimos bellowed his rage at the loss of his brother and ripped two Plague Marines apart.
Turn 4
Rob's Obliterator and spawn arrived.
Festus left the Possessed to help out the lone Plague Marine against 15 Daemonettes, Shaithis and two Noise Marines.
The surviving Plasma Plague Marine moved over to join Festus and both of them hosed the 5 man Noise Marine squad with Daemonic fire and plasma reducing them to one Blastmaster.
Tosis Mire's Plague Marines were torn apart by the Helbrute leaving the champion to battle on alone. The Possessed needed to roll a 9 to reach combat through difficult terrain. They didn't even need their reroll from fleet as Rob passed easily. The possessed rolled +1 initiative for their mutations and so would strike at the same time as the Daemonettes. In a flurry of attacks the Possessed hacked down 7 Daemonettes for no loss. To add insult to injury I then rolled boxcars to see the entire unit disappear into the warp! Meanwhile Shaithis once again failed to cause any wound on the Plague Champion.
The Keeper of Secrets finally turned up just behind the Helbrute and between him and the Noise Marine they killed the Plasma Plague Marine and put two wounds on Festus. The Helbrute hurled Tosis across the warehouse smashing his legs to a pulp and taking him out of the battle. The 5 Strong Daemonettes charged into combat to help out Shaithis killing a Possessed marine but being wiped out in return. Shathis finally managed to wound the Plague Marine but Septicus felt no pain and in a flurry of blows hacked apart Shaithis!
Turn 5
Festus moved towards the Helbrute trusting in Grandfather Nurgle to protect him against the behemoth.
The Spawn charged through the door and headed for the lone Noise Marine.
Festus charged into the Helbrute and although the Slaaneshi war machine hit, it failed to wound. With a roar of laughter he reached forward and ripped the power cables from it, taking it out of the game!
The Spawn showed just how fast they are and charged into the lone Noise Marine, ripping him apart with their teeth and claws.
The Keeper of Secrets moved up to draw a line of sight on the Nurgle Lord and with his Lash of Despair took Festus out.
Turn 6
The Spawn and Possessed moved up to charge the Keeper of Secrets with only the spawn making it into combat.
N'kari smashed a spawn to the ground losing two wounds in the process.
And leaving the Death Guard firmly in control of the objectives.
A blinding flash of blue light flooded the warehouse as the Keeper of Secrets was teleported back to the Veritas Invicta, leaving nothing but devastation from the failed attempt to secure a Beachhead.
Death Guard win.
Nestor slammed his fist into the medical servitor, crushing its skull and reducing it to worthless scrap.
“Consider the Beachhead secure my Lord.” He said in a mocking tone. “The arrogant fool, not only has he failed me, he has cost us two Dreadnoughts and lost us the element of surprise!”
“Deimos can be repaired relatively quickly my Lord.” Said the Warpsmith, attempting to placate him with some small consolation.
With an effort, Nestor allowed his rage to subside and turned his gaze from the unconscious Shaithis. “And what of Phobos, Janus?”
“The sarcophagus was breached my Lord, there was nothing we could do to save him. It will take extensive work to repair it and a new host must be found.”
Being interred within a Dreadnought sarcophogus represented the ultimate horror for a disciple of Slaanesh. No longer free to feel the pleasures of the flesh and denied all stimulation for long periods of time, it was torturous oblivion that even the most battle hardened warrior feared. A delicious shudder ran through Nestor’s body as he pondered on such a state of being. He savoured the experience and turned to look once again upon the mangled body of Shaithis.
“Do not trouble yourself with thoughts of a host Janus, I have the perfect candidate for your sarcophagus…….”

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