Sunday 15 September 2024

The Rise of the Regulators - Caravan Heist

This close to the Hive shell the settlement was deserted. The Authorities had evacuated the area claiming the settlement was unsound after the Hive Quakes started but judging by the bullet holes and blood stains the 'evacuation' hadn't been entirely voluntary. 

Reluctant to break the eerie silence Brigitte merely nodded as each of the Regulators moved into position and readied themselves for the ambush. The atmosphere had grown grim as they had moved through the settlement. Howling Mad Mave's usual exuberance had ebbed away with each passing minute. Ludwig sat crossed-legged, eyes closed, craddling his Chainaxe, his lips silently moving offering up prayer. Even Grimy had lost his usual bravado although Brigitte wasn't sure if it was because he was still recovering from his injuries or it was the pervading atmosphere.  

'I've seen more life in a Corpse Starch processing plant' thought Brigitte. 'Is this the route they will take? Is this the time? Have they realised we've been listening in on them...'

The unmistakable sound of an approaching vehicle shattered the silence along with the Escher leader's doubts. A grin spread across her face 'The waiting is always the hardest part.'